Dan Russ

Dan Russ is the Academic Dean and faculty member at Gordon College. He holds a B.A. in English, a M.A. in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary, a M.A and a Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Dallas. He is a fellow of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. He also serves as a Senior Fellow, moderator, and academic consultant for The Trinity Forum. He wrote and edited a curriculum for the Trinity Forum entitled Children of Prometheus: Technology and the Good Life and served as Editor of Provocations: an Online Journal of The Trinity Forum. Dr. Russ has contributed to a number of books on classics, biblical studies, an cultural leadership, including The Terrain of Comedy The Epic Cosmos, Classic Texts and the Nature of Authority, The Tragic Abyss, An Invitation to the Classics, The Prospect of Lyric, co-authored an essay on “The Moral Imagination” published in Christianity and the Soul of the University as well as a chapter on academic freedom in The Christian College Phenomenon. His book Flesh-and-Blood Jesus: Learning to be Fully Human from the Son of Man was published in 2013 in a revised second edition.